I have been a fan of the Spanish horror film "Pan's Labyrinth" for quite some time now and I'm not afraid to admit that it has become one of my all-time favorite movies. The movie is set in Spain during World War II and tells the story of Ofelia, who must brave a dark world in order to find her destiny. Much like "The Wizard of Oz" and other classics, this story is about children transcending their fears and locating hope despite all odds. Spanish Director, Guillermo del Toro, has marvelously crafted a unique world with astonishing visuals and amazing characters. Del Toro is consider one of the best Directors in the world today and he never disappoints when it comes to his incredible attention to detail. The huge success of "Pan's Labyrinth" has left fans wanting more and without question we can all agree that we would like to see this movie in HD. After searching the internet I couldn't find a website that provided HD English subtitles for this title or any site that had a decent download or seed. With my interest growing in subtitling movies I thought what better way to get started than by doing something I really wanted to see happen. The movie already has an English voice over so there's no need for another one. This is the first time I have attempted to subtitle a movie but I'm confident that I can deliver you the best quality English subtitles available for this movie. The English subscripts are hardcoded into the MKV file and should play fine on any media player that supports that format. I personally use VLC media player but many other good choices are out there including Media Player Classic which is free. Subtitles will automatically begin to play when the video starts so for commercial DVD player users - just skip forward until you see the opening credits. If you want to view an image of what each line means, you can do so here: http://www. subscene.com/subbing-help/subtitle-viewer The movie starts out with the main character, Ofelia, playing in the bathroom. As you can see in the Subtitle Viewer above, there are no subtitles at this time so start by skipping to the next image. The first line is "La bola de cristal". "La" is short for "la bola" which means "ball". When I translate this sentence to English I get "The ball of glass." The sentence then goes on to say that Ofelia has just found it in the drawer of her mother's vanity. I have no idea what "bola de cristal" is so I had to guess. "Bola" according to the dictionary means "ball, bulb, bobble" and "cristal" translates to "crystal." I took this as a play on words and guessed that it was referring to a crystal ball you would find in a fortune tellers shop. The next line continues with the action of Ofelia looking into the ball. It says that Segismundo her brother has gone down into the labyrinth with his friend, Alberto. There are no lines for this part of the movie yet either but if you continue skipping you will come across them shortly.
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